Sausage Muffins with Bisquick: A Professional Guide

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Sausage Muffins with Bisquick

Sausage Muffins with Bisquick: A Professional Guide


  • 1 pound ground breakfast sausage (any flavor)
  • 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 cup Bisquick Baking Mix


  1. Prepare the Sausage: In a skillet over medium heat, brown the ground sausage. Ensure all excess fat is drained before proceeding.
  2. Preheat the Oven: Set your oven to 350°F (175°C) to ensure it reaches the desired temperature while you prepare the muffin mixture.
  3. Combine Ingredients: In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs, shredded Cheddar cheese, and Bisquick Baking Mix until thoroughly combined.
  4. Incorporate Sausage: Gently fold the pre-cooked sausage into the egg mixture until evenly distributed.
  5. Prepare the Muffin Pan: Grease 12 cups of a muffin pan to prevent sticking. You can use butter, oil, or cooking spray for this.
  6. Fill the Cups: Spoon the mixture into the muffin cups, filling each about three-quarters full.
  7. Bake: Place the muffin pan in the preheated oven and bake for 18 to 20 minutes. The muffins should be golden brown and a toothpick inserted into the center should come out clean.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Do I have to use Cheddar cheese?

No, you can substitute Cheddar with any cheese of your preference. Good alternatives include Mozzarella, Swiss, or Monterey Jack.

2. Do these muffins need to cook longer?

The total baking time is 18 to 20 minutes, as the sausage is already cooked before mixing with the batter.

3. How do I store these muffins?

For short-term storage, these muffins can sit on the counter. However, it’s best to refrigerate them in a tightly covered container or wrapped securely in plastic wrap. They will keep for 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator.

4. Can these muffins be frozen?

Yes, you can freeze these muffins. Wrap them tightly or place them in a freezer-safe container. They will last for up to 3 months in the freezer.

Enjoy your delicious Sausage Muffins with Bisquick!

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